I work on Project management and I have ProjectEstimatedHours, ProjectDuration, than I have TasksOfProject - EstimatedHours, TaskDuration. Is possible to insert progress bar in row of grid.
1. ProjectA 100hours 50hours ------------->(progresbar)
1.Task1 20hours 10hours ---->(progressbar)
2.Task2 ......................................
2.ProjectB ..............
If you understand what I mean. Please help, because I searching for control which can do that. You controls is great, but I don t see that possibility.
1. ProjectA 100hours 50hours ------------->(progresbar)
1.Task1 20hours 10hours ---->(progressbar)
2.Task2 ......................................
2.ProjectB ..............
If you understand what I mean. Please help, because I searching for control which can do that. You controls is great, but I don t see that possibility.