Hello Guys,
Lets sey I have a grid, which datasource is generic DataTable. Based on contents in datatable there are columns. This works fine so far. But what Im trying to do, Group every two colums with custom title into ColumnGroup. (Except first column). In C#, I cant define those in xhtml, coz those column definitions depends on contents of DataTable as a DataSource. Any ideas, how can I achieve this?
Cheers, Jan
Lets sey I have a grid, which datasource is generic DataTable. Based on contents in datatable there are columns. This works fine so far. But what Im trying to do, Group every two colums with custom title into ColumnGroup. (Except first column). In C#, I cant define those in xhtml, coz those column definitions depends on contents of DataTable as a DataSource. Any ideas, how can I achieve this?
Cheers, Jan