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Processing Word document in RAD Editor and RADTree

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Sid asked on 17 Mar 2009, 08:20 PM
I have the following requirements for a project.
Input - Word document.
Output - 
1.Tree control to display the word document.- I have split the word document into HTML using RAD Editor, store it in a database and then populate RADTree from the database.
2. User can select a node from the tree and print the contents. This should be identical to the orignal word document(in content and formatting)

The problem is when I print the document from the Tree, the formatting is different from what it is in the word document(indentation, bullet points, paragraphs etc.. are different in word than in RADEditor).

How can I make the print out from the RADTree to replicate the orignal contents of the word document.

thanks and regards...

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Telerik team
answered on 23 Mar 2009, 02:38 PM
Hi Sid,

Could you please, provide more information about  how exactly you have split the word document into HTML using RAD Editor? Did you paste the Word content in the editor or directly  loaded it into the content area via the Content property?
Could you please, open a support ticket and send you word document as well as the exported via the editor HTML content? Please, also provide screenshots of the problem and steps how to reproduce it on our side.

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the Telerik team

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