Why OnClientDropDownPopulated does not implemented? I want to process dataitems after data received from .asmx
I send additional data from server in data items attibutes and want to display it in other control. But I do not find the way to do that.
sorry for mistake. I need OnClientDropDownPopulating in order to remove some dataitems from rendering in dropdown and populate them in other place of webpage
Telerik team
answered on 23 Dec 2015, 01:16 PM
Hello Roman,
Indeed the RadAutoCompleteBox does not posses a OnClientDropDownPopulated client-side event. However, regarding the scenario that you have - webservice binding, you can use the OnClientRequested client-side event, which is triggered, once the data is returned from the associated web service. Please refer to the following documentation article, providing more information on the usage of the OnClientRequested client-side event:
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