Procedures Telerik Reports Design

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DataSources Report Designer - Web Report Designer (standalone)
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Gabryel asked on 18 Dec 2024, 02:03 PM
I have a question regarding the use of procedures in Telerik Reports Design. I am trying to generate a report that utilizes a stored procedure from the database. However, when attempting to use the stored procedure, I noticed that the system does not recognize the parameters. I have also tried declaring a sys_refcursor, but the issue persists.

I would like to know if there is any alternative or different approach I can take to resolve this issue.

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answered on 20 Dec 2024, 12:03 PM

Hello Gabryel,

Thank you for reaching out.

I will need a little more information to try to help you. Could you tell me what data provider and version you use?

Note that I am not an expert on Oracle and Database Administration but as far as I understand, the sys_refcursor is specific to Oracle type, a pointer to a result set. 

To use a store procedure with this data provider, I would suggest looking for information on the topic directly from the provider.

We do support passing parameters with the SqlDataSource. For details on this, see our Using Parameters with the SqlDataSource component explained - Telerik Reporting article. 

Additionally, you must use the new Oracle data provider(ODP.NET) - Integrating the ODP.NET Data Provider - Telerik Reporting.

Please take a look at the shared resources and let me know if I may help further.

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DataSources Report Designer - Web Report Designer (standalone)
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