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Problems with Paste from word

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monika asked on 17 Nov 2008, 08:54 AM

I have a question when I try to paste from word some text in content of Radeditor.  
The paste from word works properly, there is no problem with the font-size neither with the font-type of letter, but when I select the letter that has pasted the value of font-size doesn´t appear in the dropdown for font-size.

Thanks for the help.

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answered on 17 Nov 2008, 09:57 AM
Hi Monika,

The Real Font Size dropdown popup list just displays the values populated by the RealFontSizes collection. If the font size of the selected content in the content area is not added to the RealFontSizes collection it will be not displayed in the dropdown list.

Only the RealFontSize's dropdown header is updatable and displays the size information of the selected content.

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