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Problems with getting seperate lines per series.

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Stephen asked on 09 Sep 2008, 12:17 AM

I have boiled down my problem to the following simple example:

Here is the table, to which I just bind a select * query.

Name            Date              Weight 
John    2008-08-29      300 
John    2008-09-05      295 
John    2008-09-10      290 
Jane    2008-08-29      150 
Jane    2008-09-05      140 
Jane    2008-09-10      130 

The end result that I am looking for is a line graph that has a line for each person, showing the progress of weight over time.  In an attempt to achieve this, in the wizard, I turned on grouping for the "Name" column.  This seems to give the right effect within the wizard, for some reason, the lines don't come out correctly.

Here is the line graph version, which has the lines sitting on top of each other.
Line Graph

Here's a bar graph version, which makes it easier to see what is going on.
Bar Graph

I don't understand why the second series (Jane) has the same values as the first series.  Inside the wizard, when I click on the Jane series, the three "series items" for Jane are correct.

I feel like I'm missing some fundamental thing about how the graph is supposed to work.  Any help is appreciated.


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Telerik team
answered on 09 Sep 2008, 07:34 AM
Hello Stephen,

The images clearly show there is something wrong with the graph, but I am afraid I cannot see anything wrong in the information you have supplied. I just created a small example with ObjectDataSource (which you can replace) and the chart worked just fine, I got the two series as expected. Please, find it attached and check whether it will show any difference to your chart configuration, which might lead to this behavior. You will need to add Telerik.Web.UI.dll and Telerik.Charting.dll.

If that does not seem to help, please open a formal support ticket and attach a small example, reproducing the problem. I will review it and I get back to you with my findings.

Best regards,
the Telerik team

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Chart (Obsolete)
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