I have a tree list where drag/drop is enabled. To do this I set AllowItemsDragDrop to true and added this line
<ClientEvents OnItemDropping="itemDropping" OnTreeListCreated="function(sender) { treelist1 = sender; }" />
Method itemDropping verifies if the item being dragged is allowed and if the location where the item is being dropped is allowed. If not, an alert appears and the method returns. If all is ok I use fireCommand to initiate a server side method.
Since my treelist is ajax enabled the server side method was not triggered. To resolve this I added a ClientEvents-OnRequestStart method to the RadAjaxManager control to determine if the event target is my treelist control. If it is then I have set_enableAjax(false); The problem with this is that the treelist doesn't refresh after the drop (and my RegisterClientScriptBlock doesn't execute). The odd thing is that if I replace the set_enableAjax(false) in my ClientEvents-OnRequestStart method with an alert('any text will do') then the server side method executes.
Any thoughts?
<ClientEvents OnItemDropping="itemDropping" OnTreeListCreated="function(sender) { treelist1 = sender; }" />
Method itemDropping verifies if the item being dragged is allowed and if the location where the item is being dropped is allowed. If not, an alert appears and the method returns. If all is ok I use fireCommand to initiate a server side method.
Since my treelist is ajax enabled the server side method was not triggered. To resolve this I added a ClientEvents-OnRequestStart method to the RadAjaxManager control to determine if the event target is my treelist control. If it is then I have set_enableAjax(false); The problem with this is that the treelist doesn't refresh after the drop (and my RegisterClientScriptBlock doesn't execute). The odd thing is that if I replace the set_enableAjax(false) in my ClientEvents-OnRequestStart method with an alert('any text will do') then the server side method executes.
Any thoughts?