During loading data collection occurs rendering them on a graph. Use DateTimeContinuousAxis. Until no gaps occur rendering the data correctly. Figure 1. But as soon as there are gaps in the data rendering deteriorate. Figure 2.
When using DateTimeCategoricalAxis painting is fine, but there are delays when working in real time :(
How to solve this problem?
<telerik:RadCartesianChart x:Name="chart" Grid.Column="0" >
<telerik:ChartPanAndZoomBehavior DragToZoomThreshold="0" MouseWheelMode="Zoom" DragMode="Pan" ZoomMode="Both" PanMode="Both"/>
<telerik:DateTimeCategoricalAxis x:Name="MainHA" LabelFormat="HH:mm" LabelFitMode="Rotate" SmartLabelsMode="SmartStep" PlotMode="OnTicks">
<telerik:LinearAxis />
<telerik:CandlestickSeries ItemsSource="{Binding Candls}" CategoryBinding="Date" CloseBinding="Close" HighBinding="High" LowBinding="Low" OpenBinding="Open" />