Developing Environment: Windows 10 + 4.0 + UI for ASP.NET AJAX 2015.2.729.40
Target Server: Windows Server 2003 SP2
I'm originally using UI for ASP.NET AJAX 2010.3.1317.40 and installed 2015.2.729.40. After that, I can not upload image in ImageManager of RadEditor. After multiple testing, I found that it's because the async uploading feature. The feature is on by default in the new version, so it will use /App_Data/RadUploadTemp for temp storage, but the permission is Read/Execute originally. After setting the permission to the temp folder, I can now upload image, but uploaded image didn't get focused automatically.I have to page down to find the image since there are lots of files. I set ImageManager.EnableAsyncUpload to false to workaround the problem. Why it's not focused after async-uploading?
Besides, I suggest to update online document ( aboout RadEditor, since the account used by IIS has changed from NETWORK SERVICE to <AppPoolIdentity>. And, there is nothing about the temp folder of AsyncUpload in this page. I finally found it in