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Problem with radgrid ExportToExcel() method

1 Answer 82 Views
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chandra kanth
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chandra kanth asked on 05 Dec 2008, 06:21 AM

I am facing problem with radgrid ExportToExcel() method.

The scenario is as follows:

I have a report page, containing some radcomboboxes, search and download buttons.
After selecting the options the user will click on search button. We are displaying the records in a radgrid.
The user can download the records into excel by clicking on download button.
In the click() event of download button we have used the grid.ExportToExcel() method to export the records into excel.
When the user clicks on the download button, open save dialog is opened. When the user clicks on save/cancel buttons in open save dialog box, we are unable to select the options from any of the radcomboboxes available on the page.

Please let me know if anyone knows what was the problem and how to solve it ASAP

Thanks & Regards,
Chandra Kanth. K

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Telerik team
answered on 08 Dec 2008, 01:41 PM
Hello chandra,

Is it possible that issue you encountered is due to the reason depicted here? Using similar approach with the setIsInPostBack flag of the comboboxes (when residing in RadGrid) should eliminate the unwanted side effect after the export operation is completed.

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the Telerik team

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chandra kanth
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