I have a grid bound to an objectdatasource.
I represents a shoping cart. Now my problem.
The cart class (reduced) 3 properties:
CartID, LineNumber, NumItems
Only NumItems is editable the other fields are readonly.
There is a static method called "UpdateNumItems" definedt like this:
When I update in the grid it tells me "There is no generic method accepting strCartID, nLineNumber, nNumItems, NumItems, LineNumber, CartID
This is when I set (what's correct) CartID and NumItems as DatakeyNames.
If I remove the datakeyNames I get There is no... accepting strCartID, nLineNumber, nNumItems, NumItems
So I guess Grid uses the Parameters from the update parameters - and it adds his fields to this collection.
My Question now - how can I tell Grid the "translation" -- so I can Say NumItems is Parameter strNumItems.
Of course I could change the parameter names on the functions (then it works) -- but what if I am not able to do this?
I have a grid bound to an objectdatasource.
I represents a shoping cart. Now my problem.
The cart class (reduced) 3 properties:
CartID, LineNumber, NumItems
Only NumItems is editable the other fields are readonly.
There is a static method called "UpdateNumItems" definedt like this:
public static int CartLinesChangeNumItems(string strCartID, int nLineNumber, int nNumItems) { |
... |
This is when I set (what's correct) CartID and NumItems as DatakeyNames.
If I remove the datakeyNames I get There is no... accepting strCartID, nLineNumber, nNumItems, NumItems
So I guess Grid uses the Parameters from the update parameters - and it adds his fields to this collection.
My Question now - how can I tell Grid the "translation" -- so I can Say NumItems is Parameter strNumItems.
Of course I could change the parameter names on the functions (then it works) -- but what if I am not able to do this?