I'm trying to get a filter into my grid, but it doesn't work.
We create the Grid with vb.net and put it then into the paceholder:
g = instance of Grid
We create the Grid with vb.net and put it then into the paceholder:
g = instance of Grid
With g |
.AllowFilteringByColumn = True |
... |
... |
End With |
boundColumn = New GridBoundColumn |
boundColumn.DataField = "Field" |
boundColumn.HeaderText = fieldNames(4).ToString |
boundColumn.ShowSortIcon = True |
boundColumn.Groupable = True |
boundColumn.AllowFiltering = True |
g.MasterTableView.Columns.Add(boundColumn) |
We doesn't I see the filter. where is the error?
6 Answers, 1 is accepted
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Rank 2
answered on 10 Mar 2009, 05:47 AM
Hi Christian,
Are you creating the entire grid in the Page_Init event? Filtering must work with dynamically created Grid since you have set AllowFilteringByColumn to true. Here is a help article which explains how to create the entire Grid dynamically. Refer that and see if anything is missing.
Programmatic creation
Are you creating the entire grid in the Page_Init event? Filtering must work with dynamically created Grid since you have set AllowFilteringByColumn to true. Here is a help article which explains how to create the entire Grid dynamically. Refer that and see if anything is missing.
Programmatic creation
Top achievements
Rank 1
answered on 10 Mar 2009, 07:53 AM
Yes, I create the entire grid in the Page_Init event.
Thanks for your link I will read it.
Thanks for your link I will read it.
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Rank 1
answered on 10 Mar 2009, 08:03 AM
So far as I see have I buid the Radgrid in the same way in the Page_Init event handler, except that I bind the Datasource ti the grid in the Page_Init event handler too.
When I put the binding to the datasource the filtering doesn't appear also.
When I put the binding to the datasource the filtering doesn't appear also.
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Rank 1
answered on 10 Mar 2009, 08:25 AM
For better understanding here the code which creates the RadGrid:
With g |
.AutoSave = False |
.ID = "RG" & CStr(Index).Trim |
.SkinID = "List" |
.DataSource = dt_Overview '->DataTable |
.MasterTableView.SortExpressions.AllowNaturalSort = False |
.AllowSorting = True |
.AllowFilteringByColumn = True |
.Width = Unit.Percentage(100) |
.AutoGenerateColumns = False |
.ShowGroupPanel = False |
.ShowFooter = False |
.AllowPaging = False |
.PageSize = 100000 '17 |
.HeaderStyle.Width = Unit.Pixel(1) |
.GroupingEnabled = True |
End With |
With g.ClientSettings |
.AllowDragToGroup = True |
.AllowExpandCollapse = True |
.AllowGroupExpandCollapse = True |
.Scrolling.ScrollHeight = Unit.Pixel(412) |
.Scrolling.SaveScrollPosition = True |
.ClientEvents.OnGridCreated = "GridCreated" & CStr(Index).Trim |
.ClientEvents.OnMasterTableViewCreated = "hide_MasterApp_Updateprogress" |
.ClientEvents.OnScroll = "Scroll" & CStr(Index).Trim |
End With |
With g.HeaderStyle |
.Width = Unit.Pixel(170) |
End With |
With g.MasterTableView |
.CssClass = "MasterTable" |
.DataKeyNames = New String() {"DPU_ZEILENNR"} |
.CommandItemDisplay = GridCommandItemDisplay.None |
.GroupLoadMode = GridGroupLoadMode.Server |
End With |
With g.MasterTableView.RowIndicatorColumn |
.UniqueName = "RowIndicator" |
.Visible = False |
.HeaderStyle.Width = Unit.Pixel(20) |
End With |
and an example for one Column:
boundColumn = New GridBoundColumn | |
boundColumn.DataField = "IMP_WERT" | |
boundColumn.UniqueName = "IMP_ID" | |
boundColumn.HeaderText = "Header" | |
boundColumn.HeaderText = fieldNames(4).ToString | |
boundColumn.ShowSortIcon = True | |
boundColumn.AllowFiltering = True | |
boundColumn.CurrentFilterFunction = GridKnownFunction.EqualTo | |
boundColumn.Visible = True | |
g.MasterTableView.Columns.Add(boundColumn) |
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Rank 1
answered on 10 Mar 2009, 04:34 PM
Has someone an idea?
Top achievements
Rank 1
answered on 11 Mar 2009, 02:54 PM
We have fixed the problem.
There was a bug in the ItemCreated-event-procedure.
There was a bug in the ItemCreated-event-procedure.