Hi Telerik Team.
I'm using Telerik.Web.UI.2014.2.618.40 in my web application, and i have encountered a problem in chrome (and FF).
I'm using the RadEditor in some of my pages, when I open the document manager, then press the '+Upload' button in the toolbar,
in the popup (or modal) with the title 'Upload' the Select button doesn't respond (in chrome and FF, in IE it works great).
after opening the developers tools, I've found out that the file input which is hidden behind the select button and the text input of the file (if I understand correctly) is not wide enough, meaning, the file explorer opens only when i press the textbox input (becuase the file input is behind it) but when i press the select button (which the file input is not behind) nothing happens. I'/ve tried overriding the css and set the file input (it's class is ruFileInput) width to 100% without any success. I did override the css of the document manager popup itself using !important in my view in style tags, but when i did the same thing to the css classes in the file upload popup it changed nothing.
the css code i used:
input.ruFileInput {width: 100%}
to sum up, i'm not able to override the css of the file upload popup
the code for the radEditor
<telerik:RadEditor runat="server" Skin="MetroTouch" ToolsFile="~/*.xml" NewLineMode="Br"
Height="475px" Content='<%#Bind("*") %>'>
<DocumentManager UploadPaths="~/Files/Announcement"
EnableAsyncUpload="True" MaxUploadFileSize="10485760"></DocumentManager>