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problem with dock

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Peter asked on 20 Aug 2008, 01:45 PM
I have a splitter, sliding zone and 2 sliding panes configured so that they each drop down with mouse-over. The mouse-over behaviour works fine.
When I click the dock button on either pane I expect the pane to remain displayed, but it disappears instead.
I have spent about an hour looking at the responses to other people who have had this problem and still do not understand how to make this basic expected behaviour to work.
Could you provide a clear solution to enable me to get this to work?
many thanks.

ASPX below:


body runat="server" id="MainBody" style="margin-left: 0; margin-top: 0">

<form id="form1" runat="server">

<telerik:RadScriptManager ID="RadScriptManager1" runat="server" OutputCompression="AutoDetect">


<telerik:RadSplitter ID="RadSplitter1" runat="server" Items-Capacity="4" Orientation="Horizontal"

SplitBarsSize="" Width="100%">

<telerik:RadPane ID="RadPane1" runat="server">

<telerik:RadSlidingZone ID="RadSlidingZone1" runat="server" Height="22px">

<telerik:RadSlidingPane ID="RadSlidingPane1" runat="server" Height="400px" Title="SlidingPane1">



<telerik:RadSlidingPane ID="RadSlidingPane2" runat="server" Height="400px" Title="SlidingPane2">









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answered on 25 Aug 2008, 09:29 AM
Hello Peter,
When you dock a RadSlidingPane, it is inserted in its parent RadPane and that parent RadPane resizes to show the whole RadSlidingPane. In order to be able to resize a RadPane however, you need to have an adjacent RadPane. That is why when there is no such pane, a RadSlidingPane cannot be docked.

I suggest to rework your layout in a manner that there will always be an adjacent RadPane.

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the Telerik team

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