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problem: tool tip appears when enter key is clicked

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p asked on 10 Mar 2009, 02:24 AM
hi there,

i'm currently fixing a bug wherein the rad tool tips appears as the user hits enter.

basically, i have an image button that would display the tooltip when it's clicked. (note that i want the tooltip to be closed manually). the issue is that image button is "being clicked" when the enter key is pressed. 

the image button and tooltip is inside a user control thats being used throughout pages. basically, we drop that user control beside textboxes throughout the screens. so i really wanna solve this problem inside the user control and not deal with all the textboxes throughout the application.

i was thinking that the showevent=fromcode is a possible way to solve this.  so what i wanted to do is put the logic on the onclientclick event of the imagebutton. i couldn't get it to work somehow.

any idea on how can i accomplish this? basically i wanna prevent the tooltip from being displayed when the user hits enter. it should only appear when the user actually "clicks" the imagebutton. any help would be deeply appreciated.

thanks a lot,

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Telerik team
answered on 12 Mar 2009, 05:08 PM
Hi p,

As far as showing a tooltip from code is concerned, I believe the following example would be helpful to you:

Please do not forget to set width to the tooltip or else there might be problems with positioning.

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the Telerik team

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