i want the combobox show the "---Select ---" when page load, but don't want to show it in the drop down list.
Below is the code that i used, it causes the "---Select---" show on the drop down list. How to remove the "---Select ---" in drop down list, but keep remain it when page load?
<radc:radcombobox runat="server" id="cbSpecialty" markfirstmatch="True" enabletheming="True"
skin="healthcare" height="90" width="160">
Below is the code that i used, it causes the "---Select---" show on the drop down list. How to remove the "---Select ---" in drop down list, but keep remain it when page load?
<radc:radcombobox runat="server" id="cbSpecialty" markfirstmatch="True" enabletheming="True"
skin="healthcare" height="90" width="160">
Dim drow As DataRow
Dim cnt As Integer = 1
dt = mClas.GetDataTable("SELECT specialtyID, spec_name FROM specialty where spec_status=1")
cbSpecialty.Items.Add(New Telerik.WebControls.RadComboBoxItem("--- Select --- ", ""))
For Each drow In dt.Rows
cbSpecialty.Items.Add(New Telerik.WebControls.RadComboBoxItem(drow("spec_name"), drow("specialtyID")))