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Problem overriding rsAdvTitle

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This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Kevin Price
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Rank 1
Kevin Price asked on 29 Jun 2010, 07:24 PM
I am trying to replace the background-image in a modal AdvancedEdit form
I have tried adjusting the following styles with no results:
..RadScheduler_Outlook .rsAdvTitle, RadScheduler_Outlook .rsAdvInnerTitle, RadScheduler_Outlook .rsAdvancedEdit, RadScheduler .rsAdvTitle, RadScheduler .rsAdvInnerTitle, RadScheduler .rsAdvancedEdit
            background-image: url('gradient.png') !important;
            background-position: 0 0 important;
Nothing seems to have any impact on that bar - I've tried it with/without skin, same results.

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Kamen Bundev
Telerik team
answered on 05 Jul 2010, 08:48 AM
Hi Kevin,

I'm not sure if you pasted it properly, but every CSS class should have a dot in front of itself, like this:
.RadScheduler_Outlook .rsAdvTitle,
.RadScheduler_Outlook .rsAdvInnerTitle,
.RadScheduler_Outlook .rsAdvancedEdit,
.RadScheduler .rsAdvTitle,
.RadScheduler .rsAdvInnerTitle,
.RadScheduler .rsAdvancedEdit
    background-image: url('gradient.png') !important;
    background-position: 0 0 important;
Also, you don't need half of these selectors - .RadScheduler_Outlook .rsAdvTitle is the same as .RadScheduler .rsAdvTitle with the exception of the specified skin - so if you need to override the background for all skins - leave the last three selectors, if you need to override the background for Outlook skin only, leave the first three.

All the best,
Kamen Bundev
the Telerik team
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Kevin Price
Top achievements
Rank 1
Answers by
Kamen Bundev
Telerik team
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