I'm using a radtreeview on a page with a an radajaxmanager and from a contextmenu I'm trying to get a number of things to happen. My problem is this: when the treeview and contextmenu is originally created (before any postback) everything is fine and every event is executed as expected, but after postback the contextmenu appears somewhat strange, without the arrows to indicate submenus and it does not trigger any events.
I'm using a straight forward event - handler pattern on the treeview and the contextmenu :
(the class inherits radtreeview)
this.ContextMenuItemClick += new RadTreeViewContextMenuEventHandler(OrganizerTreeView_ContextMenuItemClick);
and a event handler:
protected void OrganizerTreeView_ContextMenuItemClick(object sender, RadTreeViewContextMenuEventArgs e)
I create the treeview and the contextmenu dynamically and I add the treeview anew on Page_PreRender if IsPostBack is true.
Any ideas?
kind regards
/Per Holmgren
Inka Interactive
I'm using a radtreeview on a page with a an radajaxmanager and from a contextmenu I'm trying to get a number of things to happen. My problem is this: when the treeview and contextmenu is originally created (before any postback) everything is fine and every event is executed as expected, but after postback the contextmenu appears somewhat strange, without the arrows to indicate submenus and it does not trigger any events.
I'm using a straight forward event - handler pattern on the treeview and the contextmenu :
(the class inherits radtreeview)
this.ContextMenuItemClick += new RadTreeViewContextMenuEventHandler(OrganizerTreeView_ContextMenuItemClick);
and a event handler:
protected void OrganizerTreeView_ContextMenuItemClick(object sender, RadTreeViewContextMenuEventArgs e)
I create the treeview and the contextmenu dynamically and I add the treeview anew on Page_PreRender if IsPostBack is true.
Any ideas?
kind regards
/Per Holmgren
Inka Interactive