1. Type some search term which leads to positive result(s)
2. Erase the search term by using the backspace key
3. Tab out of the text box to the adjacent button
It continues showing "Enter a search phrase" expectation is that it should close the dropdown message on Tab key press. Here is how it is defined
1. Type some search term which leads to positive result(s)
2. Erase the search term by using the backspace key
3. Tab out of the text box to the adjacent button
It continues showing "Enter a search phrase" expectation is that it should close the dropdown message on Tab key press. Here is how it is defined
<telerik:RadComboBox |
Id="SearchCombo" |
Runat="server" |
EnableLoadOnDemand="True" |
OnItemsRequested="SearchCombo_ItemsRequested" |
LoadingMessage="Searching..." |
EmptyMessage="Search ..." |
Height="15px" |
Width="315px" |
DropDownWidth="400px" |
Skin="Sunset" |
OnSelectedIndexChanged="SearchCombo_SelectedIndexChanged" |
OnClientItemsRequesting="HandleRequestStart" |
OnClientKeyPressing="HandleKeyPress" |
BorderColor="Transparent" |
CollapseDelay="200" |
ExpandDelay="300" |
ItemRequestTimeout="200" |
ShowDropDownOnTextboxClick="False" |
ShowWhileLoading="False" |
AutoPostBack="true" |
ShowToggleImage="False" |
ShowMoreResultsBox="True" |
CausesValidation="False" |
OnClientItemsRequested="HandleRequestEnd" |
OnClientBlur="OnClientBlur" |
HighlightTemplatedItems="True"> |
<ItemTemplate> |
<div class="AssocSearchItemContainer" > |
<div style=" float:left;"> |
<img alt='<%# Eval("Title")%>' height="40px" src='<%# Eval("ThumbnailURL")%>' /> |
</div> |
<div class="AssocSearchItemTextBlock"> |
<strong><%# Eval("Title")%></strong><br /> |
<%# Eval("Description")%><br /> |
<%# Eval("Details")%><br /> |
</div> |
</div> |
</ItemTemplate> |
<CollapseAnimation Duration="100" Type="OutQuint" /> |
<ExpandAnimation Type="None" /> |
</telerik:RadComboBox> |
protected void SearchCombo_ItemsRequested(object sender, RadComboBoxItemsRequestedEventArgs e) |
{ |
.... |
.... |
if (searchPhrase.Length == 0) |
{ |
comboBox.ClearSelection(); |
comboBox.Height = 0; |
e.Message = "Enter a search phrase."; |
return; |
} |
.... |
.... |
} |