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Post back on input

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John asked on 29 Jun 2015, 10:17 AM

I've added a RadAutoCompleteBox to a web control but when you type it causes a post back even though I have set Autopostback="false".

No results are returned


<telerik:RadAutoCompleteBox ID="RadAutoCompany" Runat="server" InputType="Text" TextSettings-SelectionMode="Single" AutoPostBack="False" Delimiter=";" Width="200px"
          DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" DataTextField="CompanyName" DataValueField="CompanyId" DropDownWidth="150px" EmptyMessage="type company name">

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:MyConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT [CompanyId], [CompanyName] FROM [Company] ORDER BY [CompanyName]"></asp:SqlDataSource>

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answered on 01 Jul 2015, 02:18 PM
Hello John,

If you are referring to the requests that are triggered at each character typed/deleted in the input of the control - they are actually callbacks, which are triggered in order to acquire the underlying datasource, corresponding to the type in the input search criteria. This is the defaulted behavior of the control and it is by design.

If you need to avoid this behavior, you can set the EnableClientFiltering property of the control true. Thus,  the RadAutoCompleteBox is initially supplied with the underlying DataSource and no requests will be triggered upon each typed character.

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