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Porcentaje personalizado en los Totales

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Richard asked on 31 Aug 2015, 07:50 PM

Saludos, Tengo un requerimiento de gerencia y no se como implementarlo en el control, Necesito hacer un calculo porcentual especial. Mi primer grupo es la suma de mis ingresos. y necesito que de ahí en adelante el valor del porcentaje no sea una suma, sino la representacion de cuanto equivale ese gasto respecto al total de mis ingresos. 



Greetings, I have a requirement management and how to implement it are not in control, I need to make a special percentage calculation. My first group is the sum of my income. and I need that from then on the percentage value is not a sum, but the representation of how that spending is equivalent to the total of my income.​

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answered on 03 Sep 2015, 02:02 PM
Hello Richard,

A possible solution is to use a data calculation filed. Please check out the following help article which elaborates more on this matter. Also you can check out the following live example which demonstrates the calculation field in action.

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