I have radgrid1 for the inline editing and I have Edit, Add New Record, Delete links but also I added extra gridboundbutton called " search" and I wan to put a pop up panel for that in ItemCommand.. but my panel is not showing up.. I have searched that it says if I would have want to do my edit pop up panel I could have add EditMode = popup on the aspx page but I am not sure how to do that for the Search link, because I dont want to add pop up to Edit, Add new record , Delete functionalities.. just for Search .
<radG:GridButtonColumn ButtonType="LinkButton"
CommandName="Search" UniqueName="Search" >
<HeaderStyle />
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />
<radG:GridButtonColumn ButtonType="LinkButton"
CommandName="Search" UniqueName="Search" >
<HeaderStyle />
<ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />