In a kendo grid with popup edition, I have the EditTemplate for my DTO object.
When I click on "+Add" grid button I will have the popup with the title "Edit" and if I click on "/Edit", I will have the same popup, with same title.
1) Is there a way to change the popup title in "Add" when I add the object, and "Edit" if I edit it?
2) More than that, I need to "readonly" the DropDown in "edit" mode, and enable it in "add" mode. How to achieve it?
Knowing that the Model in the EditorTemplate is always null, there is any way to do verifications on the server Model...
3) When I add new object, I have a logic to prepare the DTO, before displaying it to the user. However, I have only the method that
public ActionResult ByOneCreate([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, MyDTO dto)
is there a way to use a method like this, to pre-fill the initially created object:
public ActionResult ByOneCreate([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request)