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Poor IDE performance in VS2008

3 Answers 38 Views
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Charles Forsyth
Top achievements
Rank 2
Charles Forsyth asked on 18 Nov 2008, 11:43 PM
I have been working with a Microsoft developer directly over the last week. We were trying to determine why Visual Studio 2008 "hangs" for up to 10 seconds after clicking on controls within my page in Design mode of the IDE.

I'm developing a site using Visual Studio 2008, VB.Net and SQL 2005.

The page in question is a content page. The master page is fairly simple. It only contains a couple label controls, a radMenu and a breadcrumb.

The content page contains a set of drop-down lists populated using SQLDataSource controls. These appear at the top of the page within an HTML <table>. These drop-down are all linked as Control Parameters to a SQLDataSource that populates a GridView. (not the radGrid)

Users are able to select a row in the gridview making the gridview a master of other details.

Under the gridview I have a radTabStrip and of course matching radMultiPage / radPageView controls which encapsulate 8 separate DetailsView controls. (one in each PageView)

One of these DetailsViews has a radEditor control (simplified to have only 3 items in the options menu).

Also there are several ModalPopupExtender controls being used on the page as well. (From the Ajax Control Toolkit).

While in the Visual Studio 2008 IDE, editing this form in Design mode, when I click on any control within any PageView, Visual Studio 2008 (devenv.exe) eats up 50% CPU (I have a dual core, so that means 100% of one CPU) for up to 10 seconds.

I tried my best to prove to the Microsoft developer that it wasn't your controls. However, a simple test proved that it was.

I removed the radTabStrip, radMultiPage and radPageViews, as well as the radEditor control. Once I did that, the IDE performed as expected and was not "hanging" at all.

I do not consider this form I've designed (using a radTabStrip) "complex" or something out of the ordinary.

From our tests it appears that the 50% CPU occurs when the Design view is attempting to update the Source view and vice-versa. (It also occurs while in source view and just hitting the enter key on any line of code).

Again, no problems occur when Telerik controls are not used on the page.

My question is: Is Telerik aware of this flaw in the design of your component(s) and are you working to resolve it? If so, have you deteremined the exact cause? (e.g. too many properties, causing the IDE to load slower?)

3 Answers, 1 is accepted

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Atanas Korchev
Telerik team
answered on 19 Nov 2008, 08:36 AM
Hi Charles Forsyth,

We are not aware of such issue and you are the first one to report it. Have you tried replacing the multipage with the built-in MultiView control? It is almost the same as the multipage control and shares a similar designer class.

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Charles Forsyth
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Rank 2
answered on 19 Nov 2008, 06:17 PM
Please elaborate. What is this MultiView control and how do I use it?
Charles Forsyth
Top achievements
Rank 2
answered on 19 Nov 2008, 06:19 PM
ROFL, never mind. I was looking for radMultiView lol. :) Duh, the MS MultiView control is what you were talking about.

Sorry for the "short bus" moment there. :)
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Charles Forsyth
Top achievements
Rank 2
Answers by
Atanas Korchev
Telerik team
Charles Forsyth
Top achievements
Rank 2
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