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Plain Text .Content Property From the Server Side

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Brad asked on 05 Mar 2009, 12:58 AM
Good evening:

I have a need to send plain text emails using content generated using the RadEditor.  The content is stored in the database in RichText/HTML format with lots of markup, mainly because our clients paste from Word.

I'd like to know if anyone knows a way to clean the strings in the database of their HTML markup on the server side, without the use of the RadEditor control.  Meaning, I want to pull the information out of the database, clean it, and then insert it into an email body.  I've tried some RegEx expressions I found online but they're very unsuccessful due to the complexity of the HTML that they are pasting into the control.

I hope I'm making sense.


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answered on 05 Mar 2009, 01:28 AM
RadEditor provides the plain text content as well as the html content. You could instantiate a RadEditor in your server-side code, load the html content and retrieve the plain text. If you need the plain text in the database, you could store both the html-formatted text and the plain text.
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