Hi Team
We are rendering pie chart with numerous slices which are dynamically generated based on the responses for the particular question, while we doing this pie slice's labels are overlapping. Kindly please provide the solution.
I have attached the expected format (Expected_Pie_Chart_Labels.png) as well as over lapped one(pie-slices-label-value-overlap.png).
We tried the suggestion which is mentioned on this link -
When we applied IntelligentLabelsEnabled = true; Its skipped few slice's labels which are causes overlapping. Please refer the attached image - piechart-no-overlap-but-label-value-skipped.png, there one of pie slice's response lablel was skipped.
Apart from this, we played around with decreasing the font size, increasing plot area, margin, label appearance property as well, but no use.
One more issue we encountered here is, when we have 2 slices response's percentages are same, then only one leader line is rendering instead of two, this also causes over lapping even though we have enough space and less slices in pie.
code snippet:
Version Detail: Telerik Reporting Q2 2012
We are rendering pie chart with numerous slices which are dynamically generated based on the responses for the particular question, while we doing this pie slice's labels are overlapping. Kindly please provide the solution.
I have attached the expected format (Expected_Pie_Chart_Labels.png) as well as over lapped one(pie-slices-label-value-overlap.png).
We tried the suggestion which is mentioned on this link -
When we applied IntelligentLabelsEnabled = true; Its skipped few slice's labels which are causes overlapping. Please refer the attached image - piechart-no-overlap-but-label-value-skipped.png, there one of pie slice's response lablel was skipped.
Apart from this, we played around with decreasing the font size, increasing plot area, margin, label appearance property as well, but no use.
One more issue we encountered here is, when we have 2 slices response's percentages are same, then only one leader line is rendering instead of two, this also causes over lapping even though we have enough space and less slices in pie.
code snippet:
Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Chart chart = (Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Chart)groupHeaderSection.ChildElements.Find("chtItemPie", true)[0];
Telerik.Reporting.Chart chartDef = (Telerik.Reporting.Chart)chart.ItemDefinition;
chartDef.AutoLayout = true;
chartDef.IntelligentLabelsEnabled = true;
Telerik.Reporting.Charting.ChartSeries chartSeries = new Telerik.Reporting.Charting.ChartSeries();
chartSeries.Type = Telerik.Reporting.Charting.ChartSeriesType.Pie;
chartSeries.Appearance.LegendDisplayMode = Telerik.Reporting.Charting.ChartSeriesLegendDisplayMode.ItemLabels;
chartDef.Legend.TextBlock.Visible = true;
chartSeries.Appearance.ShowLabelConnectors = true;
chartSeries.Appearance.StartAngle = 270;
chartSeries.Appearance.ExplodePercent = 8;
chartSeries.Appearance.LabelAppearance.Distance = 30;
chartSeries.Appearance.DiameterScale = 0.85;
chartSeries.Appearance.Border.Width = 2;
chartSeries.Appearance.Border.PenStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Solid;
Version Detail: Telerik Reporting Q2 2012