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Performance issues

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Admin asked on 17 Jun 2016, 09:36 AM


we have multiple problems with the performance of the GridView. I have a simple project to demonstrate the problems, but I cannot upload it. Is there any way to do this?

In our application we do not know all the columns at design time, so we have to create the columns at runtime in the code behind.

First performance issue is, after starting the application, if you resize the window, it takes too much time, so you see black parts in the window on resizing.

Next issue was the scrolling. This is acceptable in the sample project, where we set a fixed length and didn't put the grid in a stackpanel or grid, but in our application the grid will be in a docking window and then there is also a poor performance when scrolling.

Next thing is filtering and sorting. It takes about 3 seconds, thats too much.

Are we doing anything wrong with the GridView? We would appreciate any help.

We already read the performance tips and tricks, but it didn't help much.


Best regards

Jan Prause

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answered on 17 Jun 2016, 12:15 PM
Hi Jan,

Can you please open a new support thread and attach the sample application in it, so we can further investigate what the cause of the issue is?

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

All the best,
Stefan X1
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