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Performance Issue with AJAX inside a page inside a master page inside of SharePoint

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John asked on 11 Feb 2009, 08:34 PM

We are currently experiencing performance issues where we are using the RAD AJAX stuff inside of a page that resides in the layouts folder of a SharePoint server and loads up a SharePoint master page.

We created a very basic master page in SharePoint that had everything stripped out of it and the AJAX stuff runs in 1/2 the time. 

The AJAX Panel resides within the content page and not within the master page so my understanding is the response we get back from the ASYNC postback should be identical no matter what master page is loaded.  Using Fiddler, we see that the response stream is 3-4% larger when it is executed with the larger master page. 

So here are my questions...

  1. Why is the response size larger for the larger master page.
  2. 3 - 4% larger response does not explain why it takes ~50% longer so is there overhead depending on how deep the RAD AJAX Panel is nested in the page?
  3. Do the RAD AJAX Panels work the same as the .NET Update Panels where it sends everyting to the server but only receives the new content that goes into the Update Panel?
  4. What is the appropiate way this should be setup?  Should the RAD AJAX Manager be put in the Master Page?  Is there a way to mark areas not to send to the server?  ETC...


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Telerik team
answered on 16 Feb 2009, 12:43 PM
Hello John,

Unfortunately from the information you provided I am not able to determine the reason for the slow-down you encountered when nesting the RadAjaxPanel instance deeper in the master/content page scenario. Basically, RadAjaxPanel is rendered as plain MS UpdatePanel with enhanced client-side capabilities (events, client API, etc.) to allow you intercept the initial and final stages of the async request and initiate such request explicitly from the client.
The model for refreshing the wrapped controls content is the same as with the regular UpdatePanel control. Can you please check what the influence for the loading time of the page is when you replace the RadAjaxPanel with MS UpdatePanel temporary?

Furthermore, in order to have more granular ajax settings and the capability to differentiate the initiators from the updated controls via ajax settings, consider using RadAjaxManager instead. Further information about how to use our ajax manager in Sharepoint environment/master page scenario you can gather from the resources below:

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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