Hi i have this situation where i can't seem to get the back to the way the original ajax was implemented.
previously, when i ajaxed a panel, the panel didn't ajax itself. Now with the new ASP.NET AJAX, the panel does ajax itself. I read several articles that this is the natural behaviour since an ajaxified panel was wrapped around the panel that i set to ajax. However, this is my scenario...
I have a panel A with three buttons. I also have another panel B with a radstrip and multipage with a lot of pageviews where each pageview has many other asp.net controls. Now if i tell panel A to ajax panel B, panel B ajaxifies itself.
I dont want this behavior because let's say i click a button in a pageview, the whole panel B is updated. Since i have a lot of grids and formviews, i don't want the whole panel to be updated. what i want is to click a button in a pageview and have only the grid that specify to be updated. Is there anyway around this?
previously, when i ajaxed a panel, the panel didn't ajax itself. Now with the new ASP.NET AJAX, the panel does ajax itself. I read several articles that this is the natural behaviour since an ajaxified panel was wrapped around the panel that i set to ajax. However, this is my scenario...
I have a panel A with three buttons. I also have another panel B with a radstrip and multipage with a lot of pageviews where each pageview has many other asp.net controls. Now if i tell panel A to ajax panel B, panel B ajaxifies itself.
I dont want this behavior because let's say i click a button in a pageview, the whole panel B is updated. Since i have a lot of grids and formviews, i don't want the whole panel to be updated. what i want is to click a button in a pageview and have only the grid that specify to be updated. Is there anyway around this?