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Paragraph styles won't apply in IE6

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Tijs asked on 18 Mar 2009, 11:53 AM

My editor is pretty much using default settings. I've added the following to my Tools.xml:



paragraph name="Clear formatting" value="&lt;body&gt;" />



paragraph name="&lt;h1&gt;Heading 1&lt;/h1&gt;" value="&lt;H1&lt;" />



paragraph name="&lt;h2&gt;Heading 2&lt;/h2&gt;" value="&lt;H2&lt;" />



paragraph name="&lt;h3&gt;Heading 3&lt;/h3&gt;" value="&lt;H3&lt;" />




However, quite often (not always) when I try to apply a header (using the drop down) to either selected text or a selected line the style won't apply.

I've only tested this in IE6.

What to do?


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Telerik team
answered on 23 Mar 2009, 05:41 PM
Hello Tijs,

We are not aware of this problem and unfortunately we are not able to recreate it. Could you please try to reproduce it with the Paragraph Styles example of the latest editor. If you are unable then upgrade to the latest version if you are using an older one. If you are able then please record a video demonstrating how to reproduce the problem.

Thank you in advance.

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