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PaneStateChange event on adding new pane

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Nikita asked on 02 Mar 2015, 08:03 AM
I have a simple pane factory which basically looks like this:

class PaneFactory : DockingPanesFactory
    protected override void AddPane(RadDocking radDocking, RadPane pane)
        //Docking is UserControl, which contains RadDocking
        var docking = radDocking.ParentOfType<Docking>();
        var settings = pane.Tag as PaneSettings;
        if (settings.ScreenPosition == ScreenPosition.Left)
            //LeftPaneGroup is pane group declared in xaml (docked to left side)
            docking.LeftPaneGroup.AddItem(pane, DockPosition.Center);
            //DocumentPaneGroup is document host declared in xaml
            docking.DocumentPaneGroup.AddItem(pane, DockPosition.Center);

So there are two options: pane is either initially docked to the left or to the document host. If it is docked to document host - PaneStateChange
event is fired, but if it is docked to the left - there is no event. Is this a bug or an expected behaviour? Looks really inconsistent to me. Is there a way to force PaneStateChange event to always fire, when new pane is added?

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Telerik team
answered on 04 Mar 2015, 04:46 PM
Hello Nikita,

We understand your concerns, however with the current implementation of RadDocking when a Pane is added inside the DocumentHost it is considered as if it's state is being changed- thus the PaneStateChaged is fired. We will consider if that behavior should be improved for one of our future releases of the controls.

We hope the provided information will help you. Please, do not hesitate to contact if you have any additional questions or concerns.


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answered on 05 Mar 2015, 12:12 PM
Pretty wierd. But oh well.

Adding pane to document host, and then instantly moving it to target pane group seems to guarantee that the event is fired. Although it fires twice in that case (which is not a problem for me). There is probably some performance hit in this scenario, but it is not noticable so far, so I went with that workaround.
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