I have a simple pane factory which basically looks like this:
So there are two options: pane is either initially docked to the left or to the document host. If it is docked to document host - PaneStateChange
event is fired, but if it is docked to the left - there is no event. Is this a bug or an expected behaviour? Looks really inconsistent to me. Is there a way to force PaneStateChange event to always fire, when new pane is added?
PaneFactory : DockingPanesFactory
AddPane(RadDocking radDocking, RadPane pane)
//Docking is UserControl, which contains RadDocking
var docking = radDocking.ParentOfType<Docking>();
var settings = pane.Tag
(settings.ScreenPosition == ScreenPosition.Left)
//LeftPaneGroup is pane group declared in xaml (docked to left side)
docking.LeftPaneGroup.AddItem(pane, DockPosition.Center);
//DocumentPaneGroup is document host declared in xaml
docking.DocumentPaneGroup.AddItem(pane, DockPosition.Center);
So there are two options: pane is either initially docked to the left or to the document host. If it is docked to document host - PaneStateChange
event is fired, but if it is docked to the left - there is no event. Is this a bug or an expected behaviour? Looks really inconsistent to me. Is there a way to force PaneStateChange event to always fire, when new pane is added?