There are three divs inside the panel: div1,div2,div3. Inside each div there is a linkbutton. Each link button runs scripts, but the final step of each button event is that it would switch the divs by using the attribute.add style property. Now, this works on FF, IE, and Chrome. However, there is a strange issue on IPhone, of which I cant really test as I dont have an iphone. The user who has the issue says they click on the button on div1 and it properly updates to div2. However, clicking upon the button in div2, does not update to div3 but the events in the button in div2 is still triggered. I tried this on my android device and I tried to emulate the iphone on Chrome, and I can't seem to replicate this issue. Is there any known issues in running the ajaxpanel/loadingpanel on iphone.