I have a button at my pager template in GRID with text = "Approve", on page load i want text change on button clicking, means if text = "approve" is clicked then text should change to = "raject" and if text = "reject" is clciked, the text must = "approve"
I have a button at my pager template in GRID with text = "Approve", on page load i want text change on button clicking, means if text = "approve" is clicked then text should change to = "raject" and if text = "reject" is clciked, the text must = "approve"
<asp:Button ID="btn1" runat="server" Text="Approve" />
I m trying to do below manner, but won't able to capture button click event, please help
void grdADInbox_ItemCreated(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e)
if (e.Item is GridPagerItem)
GridPagerItem item = (GridPagerItem) e.Item;
Button btn = item.FindControl("btnFutureApprovals") as Button;
switch (btnFutureApprovals.Text)
case "Future Approvals":
btnFutureApprovals.Text =
"Current Approvals";
case "Current Approvals":
btnFutureApprovals.Text =
"Future Approvals";