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PageCountChanged event?

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Bent asked on 18 Nov 2008, 03:08 PM
Hi there

Whenever I modify the query with my RadGrid, I might get into a situation where the current page the user is viewing is no longer there (ie. page 15 out of 10).

I currently perform a check in the RadGrid's PreRender event, to see it the actual PageIndex+1 is higher that the PageCount, in which case I set the new PageIndex to 0 (or PageCount-1 depending on what I am trying to achieve). This however seems a bit like a hack, and I would appreciate some other, more elegant solution.

The first thing that popped into my mind was a PageCountChanged event perhaps? We already have PageIndexChanged and PageSizeChanged, but not PageCountChanged.

Any ideas/solutions?

EDIT: Whoops... I just found out that my own "solution" didn't even work as I expected. A correct solution would now be _very_ much appreciated! :)

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Telerik team
answered on 21 Nov 2008, 09:55 AM

Hi Kenneth,

Generally, the page index should be reset when you change the page size of the grid. This can be verified on the following online demo of the grid:

(change the pager mode to 'Advanced' or 'NextPrevNumericAndAdvanced' havigatio to a different page and set page size greater than 100 for example)

Alternatively, if you change the page size manually, simply set the CurrentPageIndex of the grid to 0 and rebind the control invoking its Rebind() method to attain the same effect.

Best regards,

the Telerik team

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