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p tags is being added in firefox 2.0

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jonathan asked on 17 Mar 2009, 03:10 AM
Gud morning telerik team,

I realized that pressing the "enter key" in the rad editor causes the next paragraph to have <p></p> tags.
pressing enter again causes the third paragraph to have <p></p> tags also.

this style will cause the <p></p> tags to be Times New Roman and 11px.
    p, a, span, div, li, td, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, input
        font-family: Times New Roman;
        font-size: 11px;

but the first paragraph does not have <p></p> tags?
is it possible that the firstline have <p></p> tags?

expected result:
every paragraph should have <p></p> tags so that the style above will be followed by all the paragraph in the rad editor.

Second Scenario:
I am currently in the first paragraph which does not have <p></p> tags. i changed the font-family and font-size using the dropdowns above the radeditor, and pressed enter key.

expected result:
the second paragraph should follow the font-family and font-size of the first paragraph like the behaviour in "MS WORD"

actual result:
- the font-family and font-size is changed to Times New Roman and 11px.

actual correct result: (NOTE: the correct result happens in all the paragraph except the first paragraph)
- when i am currently in the second paragraph, and changed the font-family to Verdana, press "enter key"
- the third paragraph font-family is Verdana. (Which is CORRECT, since this is the behaviour in "MS WORD")

i hope i can hear from you guys,

I edited my post because i encountered a server error.
the original title of my forum "<p></p> tags is being added in firefox 2.0"
am not expecting any answers with the issue of not being able to post with my original title.
the content of this post is more important for me.


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Telerik team
answered on 20 Mar 2009, 09:34 AM
Hello Jonathan,

Thank you for the provided information. In order to enable the RadEditor to causes the next paragraph to have <p></p> tags when the "enter key" is pressed, you need to set the NewLineBr property to false. This feature is not the default browser behavior and is implemented by Telerik. We are aware of the problems that you describe in your post and they are logged in our bug-tracking system with high priority. Our developers are working on fixing them, so we should release fixed version of the control soon.

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