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Out of Memory Exception on Export

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Alex asked on 19 Jul 2016, 01:19 PM

I have table x  in a database having around 30 columns with 6000 records.

When bind this table data in xaml using a class representation say List<X>, then on Export I get a Out of Memory Exception.

But when I Export the same table data using DataTable, then I do not get any exception.

I wanted to the reason behind this behavior ?



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Stefan Nenchev
Telerik team
answered on 21 Jul 2016, 02:08 PM
Hi Alex,

I was not able to reproduce the Exception at my end. Can you please provide more details regarding your setup and the approach you use for exporting the data. Which method are you using for the export and to what format? I have tested the scenario with the ExportToXlsx method and no such issue can be reproduced. I have attached a sample project for your reference. 

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Stefan Nenchev
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