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Opposite of ClientEvents-OnColumnContextMenu?

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Matt asked on 09 Mar 2009, 06:39 PM
Hi Team,

Is there a way to access the opposite of the ClientEvents-OnColumnContextMenu event? What I am trying to accomplish is having the user right-click on the columns, and specify one to many columns to display / hide, and when they are are done selecting the columns to perform an ajax request to resize the width of the grid.

I have tried to wire to the event ClientEvents-OnColumnHidden and ClientEvents-OnColumnShown but these events fire every time that a single column is hidden or shown, and the ajax processing causes the context menu to close, preventing the user from selecting / deselecting all of the desired columns.

Any help is appreciated.


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answered on 12 Mar 2009, 08:18 AM
Hi Matt,

One possible option in this case would be to use the header context menu, as demonstrated in the following example
I hope this suggestion helps.

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the Telerik team

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