I am opening a new radwindow only using the Radwindow Manager control and the javascript function on the Master page. But once the master page is postback the window opened before dispappers. Does the Radwindow is opened only for that instance it is active. Here is the code I am using in master page.
I am opening a new radwindow only using the Radwindow Manager control and the javascript function on the Master page. But once the master page is postback the window opened before dispappers. Does the Radwindow is opened only for that instance it is active. Here is the code I am using in master page.
<radW:RadWindowManager ID="RadWindowManager1" InitialBehavior=Minimize Width="500px" Height="400px" runat="server">
If Not IsPostBack Then
Dim sScript As String = "<script for='window' event='onload' type=""text/javascript"">"
sScript += " var oWnd = window.radopen(""WFTaskTrack.aspx"", ""RadWindow1"");"
'sScript += " oWnd.Center();"
sScript += "</Script>"
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.GetType, "", sScript)
End If