I am a newby on telerik suite.
I have a problem.
In my Dot.net application i want to open a new RadWindow from another RadWindow, when i clik to a button in my first Window.
I am a newby on telerik suite.
I have a problem.
In my Dot.net application i want to open a new RadWindow from another RadWindow, when i clik to a button in my first Window.
To do this, I use a RadToolBar control whitin a RadToolBarButton:
telerik:RadToolBar ID="RadToolBar1" runat="server" OnClientButtonClicking="clientButtonClicked">
<telerik:RadToolBarButton runat="server" Text="New Window" />
OnClientButtonClicking is this:
function clientButtonClicked(sender, args){
var parentPage = GetRadWindow().BrowserWindow;
var parentRadWindowManager = parentPage.GetRadWindowManager();
var oWnd2 = parentRadWindowManager.open("FrmUser/ContactDetails.aspx","New"); oWnd2.setSize(600,600);
return false;
My problem is that when i click on the button, the new window appears under the first window.