Hello i hv following application
One Rad grid (Main Page Parent Page ) It contains the ADD Cart Button .....When i click on that open the Cart Windows
<telerik:RadWindow ID="RadWndCart" runat="server" Modal="false" VisibleStatusbar="False"
Behavior="Move,Minimize" Skin="Black" Title="Cart" Top="150px" Left="250px" Width="620px"
NavigateUrl="ProposalCart.aspx" Height="483px">
The Cart windows contains the Create Button When i click on this Open the one form in same windows using following code, It contains creat project button when i click execute the follwoing script and open the page same child window,
function OpenResult()
var oWnd = radopen ("CreateProjectResult.aspx","RadWndCart");
return false;
It will open the result windows On that one button i want refresh the Parent (Main Page) .........
for example
the Result page grid contains
Above are the link button
when click
function RefreshParentPage()
GetRadWindow().BrowserWindow.location.href = GetRadWindow().BrowserWindow.location.href;
but not open the parent main page it open the second Proposal cart page , i dont want this Reload the main parent page
when i click on the above ABC opens the ABC Page information.
How to navigate the on main page from Child -- Child Window to Parent
ITs Urgent very urgent
One Rad grid (Main Page Parent Page ) It contains the ADD Cart Button .....When i click on that open the Cart Windows
<telerik:RadWindow ID="RadWndCart" runat="server" Modal="false" VisibleStatusbar="False"
Behavior="Move,Minimize" Skin="Black" Title="Cart" Top="150px" Left="250px" Width="620px"
NavigateUrl="ProposalCart.aspx" Height="483px">
The Cart windows contains the Create Button When i click on this Open the one form in same windows using following code, It contains creat project button when i click execute the follwoing script and open the page same child window,
function OpenResult()
var oWnd = radopen ("CreateProjectResult.aspx","RadWndCart");
return false;
It will open the result windows On that one button i want refresh the Parent (Main Page) .........
for example
the Result page grid contains
Above are the link button
when click
function RefreshParentPage()
GetRadWindow().BrowserWindow.location.href = GetRadWindow().BrowserWindow.location.href;
but not open the parent main page it open the second Proposal cart page , i dont want this Reload the main parent page
when i click on the above ABC opens the ABC Page information.
How to navigate the on main page from Child -- Child Window to Parent
ITs Urgent very urgent