In my edit form template, I need to open a panel that holds a RadEditor on the conditional selection from a RadComboBox that is also in the edit form template.
So for example, if the user selects'add extra details' a panel will open with an editor.
I've been here before on this one but got stuck on insert.
You code does indeed work and for anyone else reading - this worked for me:-
I tried using Visible='<%#Bind("reqQon") %>' for the panel, which works as expected in edit mode. But in Insert Mode - it could not bind the default value.
In another thread you were helping in, I found this from J.Hoventer
Visible='<%# GetDefaultBool(Eval("reqQon")) %>'
Protected Function GetDefaultBool(ByVal input As Object) As Boolean
If input Is Nothing OrElse input.ToString() = "" OrElse input.ToString().ToLower() = "false" Then