I have a problem with my tabstrip control. If I mouse over a listelement and that element has child elements, they are shown correctly. Then if I mouse over another listitem and that listitem has no childitems, you can still see the child items of the previous listelement. What can I do to prevent this?
3 Answers, 1 is accepted
Hi Jennifer,
We tried to reproduce the reported issue using our Tabs Preview example (just removed the child tabs of the second root tab), but to no avail. Could you please send us your ASPX / code-behind so we can examine your code and provide a solution?
the Telerik team
Check out Telerik Trainer, the state of the art learning tool for Telerik products.
We tried to reproduce the reported issue using our Tabs Preview example (just removed the child tabs of the second root tab), but to no avail. Could you please send us your ASPX / code-behind so we can examine your code and provide a solution?
the Telerik team
Check out Telerik Trainer, the state of the art learning tool for Telerik products.

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Rank 1
answered on 22 Jan 2009, 10:42 AM
This is my ASCX code:
And this is my code-behind:
<%@ Control Language="vb" CodeFile="RadTabstrip.ascx.vb" Inherits="Telerik.DNN.SkinObjects.RadTabstripSkinObject" %> |
<%@ Register TagPrefix="telerik" Namespace="Telerik.Web.UI" Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" %> |
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> |
function SelectMyTab(sender, args) |
{ |
var tab = args.get_tab(); |
var navigateUrl = tab.get_navigateUrl(); |
if (navigateUrl == "#") |
{ |
args.get_tab().selectParents(); |
} |
} |
</script> |
<telerik:RadTabstrip id="TS" EnableViewState="false" runat="server" OnClientMouseOver="SelectMyTab" EnableEmbeddedSkins="false" CausesValidation="false" /> |
And this is my code-behind:
Imports System.Web |
Imports System.Xml |
Imports DotNetNuke.Security |
Imports DotNetNuke.Entities.Portals |
Imports DotNetNuke.Entities.Tabs |
Imports Telerik.Web.UI |
Namespace Telerik.DNN.SkinObjects |
Partial Public Class RadTabStripSkinObject |
Inherits DotNetNuke.UI.Skins.SkinObjectBase |
#Region "Private Members" |
'variables and structures |
Private PagesQueue As Queue |
Private AuthPages As ArrayList |
Private arrayShowPath As ArrayList |
Private dnnSkinSrc As String = PortalSettings.ActiveTab.SkinSrc.Replace("\"c, "/"c).Replace("//", "/") |
Private dnnSkinPath As String = dnnSkinSrc.Substring(0, dnnSkinSrc.LastIndexOf("/"c)) |
Private Structure qElement |
Dim TSTab As RadTab |
Dim page As TabInfo |
Dim item As Integer |
End Structure |
Private _Style As System.String = String.Empty |
'tab specific properties |
Private _TabChildGroupCssClass As String = String.Empty |
Private _TabCssClass As String = String.Empty |
Private _TabDisabledCssClass As String = String.Empty |
Private _TabHeight As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Empty |
Private _TabImageUrl As String = String.Empty |
Private _TabSelectedCssClass As String = String.Empty |
Private _TabWidth As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Empty |
'skinobject properties |
Private _ImagesOnlyTabStrip As Boolean = False |
Private _MaxLevel As Integer = -1 |
Private _ItemsPerRow As Integer = -1 |
Private _EnableItemId As Boolean = True |
Private _EnableToolTips As Boolean = True |
Private _ShowOnlyCurrent As String = String.Empty |
Private _CopyChildItemLink As Boolean = False |
Private _EnableUserMenus As Boolean = True |
Private _EnableAdminMenus As Boolean = True |
Private _PagesToExclude As String |
' ML Extension |
Private _MLTabDic As Generic.Dictionary(Of Int32, effority.Ealo.Specialized.TabInfo) |
#End Region |
#Region "Public Members" |
' ML Extension |
Public ReadOnly Property MLTabDic() As Generic.Dictionary(Of Int32, effority.Ealo.Specialized.TabInfo) |
Get |
If _MLTabDic Is Nothing Then |
_MLTabDic = effority.Ealo.Specialized.Tabs.GetAllTabsAsDictionary(System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.ToString(), False) |
End If |
Return _MLTabDic |
End Get |
End Property |
'tabstrip properties |
Public Property Align() As TabStripAlign |
Get |
Return TS.Align |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As TabStripAlign) |
TS.Align = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property CausesValidation() As Boolean |
Get |
Return TS.CausesValidation |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As Boolean) |
TS.CausesValidation = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property CssClass() As String |
Get |
Return TS.CssClass |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As String) |
TS.CssClass = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property Height() As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit |
Get |
Return TS.Height |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit) |
TS.Height = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property MultiPageID() As String |
Get |
Return TS.MultiPageID |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As String) |
TS.MultiPageID = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property OnClientContextMenu() As String |
Get |
Return TS.OnClientContextMenu |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As String) |
TS.OnClientContextMenu = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property OnClientDoubleClick() As String |
Get |
Return TS.OnClientDoubleClick |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As String) |
TS.OnClientDoubleClick = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property OnClientLoad() As String |
Get |
Return TS.OnClientLoad |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As String) |
TS.OnClientLoad = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property OnClientMouseOut() As String |
Get |
Return TS.OnClientMouseOut |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As String) |
TS.OnClientMouseOut = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property OnClientMouseOver() As String |
Get |
Return TS.OnClientMouseOver |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As String) |
TS.OnClientMouseOver = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property OnClientTabSelected() As String |
Get |
Return TS.OnClientTabSelected |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As String) |
TS.OnClientTabSelected = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property OnClientTabSelecting() As String |
Get |
Return TS.OnClientTabSelecting |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As String) |
TS.OnClientTabSelecting = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property OnClientTabUnSelected() As String |
Get |
Return TS.OnClientTabUnSelected |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As String) |
TS.OnClientTabUnSelected = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property Orientation() As TabStripOrientation |
Get |
Return TS.Orientation |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As TabStripOrientation) |
TS.Orientation = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property PerTabScrolling() As Boolean |
Get |
Return TS.PerTabScrolling |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As Boolean) |
TS.PerTabScrolling = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property ReorderTabsOnSelect() As Boolean |
Get |
Return TS.ReorderTabsOnSelect |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As Boolean) |
TS.ReorderTabsOnSelect = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property ScrollButtonsPosition() As TabStripScrollButtonsPosition |
Get |
Return TS.ScrollButtonsPosition |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As TabStripScrollButtonsPosition) |
TS.ScrollButtonsPosition = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property ScrollChildren() As Boolean |
Get |
Return TS.ScrollChildren |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As Boolean) |
TS.ScrollChildren = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property ScrollPosition() As Integer |
Get |
Return TS.ScrollPosition |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As Integer) |
TS.ScrollPosition = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property Skin() As String |
Get |
Return TS.Skin |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As String) |
TS.Skin = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property Width() As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit |
Get |
Return TS.Width |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit) |
TS.Width = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property ClickSelectedTab() As Boolean |
Get |
Return TS.ClickSelectedTab |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As Boolean) |
TS.ClickSelectedTab = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property UnSelectChildren() As Boolean |
Get |
Return TS.UnSelectChildren |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As Boolean) |
TS.UnSelectChildren = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
'tab specific properties |
Public Property TabChildGroupCssClass() As String |
Get |
Return _TabChildGroupCssClass |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As String) |
_TabChildGroupCssClass = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property TabCssClass() As String |
Get |
Return _TabCssClass |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As String) |
_TabCssClass = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property TabDisabledCssClass() As String |
Get |
Return _TabDisabledCssClass |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As String) |
_TabDisabledCssClass = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property TabHeight() As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit |
Get |
Return _TabHeight |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit) |
_TabHeight = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property TabImageUrl() As String |
Get |
Return _TabImageUrl |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As String) |
_TabImageUrl = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property TabSelectedCssClass() As String |
Get |
Return _TabSelectedCssClass |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As String) |
_TabSelectedCssClass = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property TabWidth() As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit |
Get |
Return _TabWidth |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit) |
_TabWidth = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
'skinobject properties |
Public Property ShowOnlyCurrent() As String |
Get |
Return _ShowOnlyCurrent |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As String) |
_ShowOnlyCurrent = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property EnableItemId() As Boolean |
Get |
Return _EnableItemId |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As Boolean) |
_EnableItemId = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property EnableToolTips() As Boolean |
Get |
Return _EnableToolTips |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As Boolean) |
_EnableToolTips = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property ItemsPerRow() As Integer |
Get |
Return _ItemsPerRow |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As Integer) |
_ItemsPerRow = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property MaxLevel() As Integer |
Get |
Return _MaxLevel |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As Integer) |
_MaxLevel = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property ImagesOnlyTabStrip() As Boolean |
Get |
Return _ImagesOnlyTabStrip |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As Boolean) |
_ImagesOnlyTabStrip = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property CopyChildItemLink() As Boolean |
Get |
Return _CopyChildItemLink |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As Boolean) |
_CopyChildItemLink = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property EnableUserMenus() As Boolean |
Get |
Return _EnableUserMenus |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As Boolean) |
_EnableUserMenus = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property EnableAdminMenus() As Boolean |
Get |
Return _EnableAdminMenus |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As Boolean) |
_EnableAdminMenus = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property PagesToExclude() As String |
Get |
Return _PagesToExclude |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As String) |
_PagesToExclude = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
Public Property Style() As System.String |
Get |
Return _Style |
End Get |
Set(ByVal Value As System.String) |
_Style = Value |
End Set |
End Property |
#End Region |
#Region " Web Form Designer Generated Code " |
'This call is required by the Web Form Designer. |
<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThrough()> Private Sub InitializeComponent() |
End Sub |
'NOTE: The following placeholder declaration is required by the Web Form Designer. |
'Do not delete or move it. |
Private designerPlaceholderDeclaration As System.Object |
Private Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Init |
'CODEGEN: This method call is required by the Web Form Designer |
'Do not modify it using the code editor. |
InitializeComponent() |
End Sub |
#End Region |
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load |
Dim i, iItemIndex As Integer |
Dim iRootGroupId, StartingItemId As Integer |
Dim objTabController As New TabController |
AuthPages = New ArrayList |
PagesQueue = New Queue |
arrayShowPath = New ArrayList |
iItemIndex = 0 |
'--------------------------------------------------- |
SetTabStripProperties() |
'optional code to support displaying a specific branch of the page tree |
GetShowOnlyCurrent(objTabController, StartingItemId, iRootGroupId) |
For i = 0 To PortalSettings.DesktopTabs.Count - 1 |
Dim currentTab As TabInfo = CType(PortalSettings.DesktopTabs(i), TabInfo) |
If (currentTab.TabID = PortalSettings.ActiveTab.TabID) Then |
FillShowPathArray(arrayShowPath, currentTab.TabID, objTabController) |
End If |
If IsTabVisible(currentTab) Then |
Dim tabElement As qElement = New qElement |
tabElement.page = CType(PortalSettings.DesktopTabs(i), TabInfo) |
tabElement.TSTab = New RadTab |
Dim tab As effority.Ealo.Specialized.TabInfo |
If Me.MLTabDic.TryGetValue(CInt(tabElement.page.TabID), tab) Then |
If Not tab.EaloTabName Is Nothing Then |
tabElement.page.TabName = tab.EaloTabName.StringTextOrFallBack |
Else |
tabElement.page.TabName = tab.TabName |
End If |
End If |
'If (EnableItemId) Then |
' tabElement.TSTab.ID = "TS_" & currentTab.TabID.ToString |
'End If |
If CheckShowOnlyCurrent(currentTab.TabID, currentTab.ParentId, StartingItemId, iRootGroupId) AndAlso _ |
CheckMenuVisibility(currentTab) Then |
iItemIndex = iItemIndex + 1 |
tabElement.item = iItemIndex |
PagesQueue.Enqueue(AuthPages.Count) |
TS.Tabs.Add(tabElement.TSTab) |
End If |
AuthPages.Add(tabElement) |
End If |
Next i |
BuildTabStrip() |
If (TS.Tabs.Count = 0) Then |
TS.Visible = False |
End If |
End Sub |
Private Function IsTabVisible(ByVal tab As TabInfo) As Boolean |
If (tab.IsVisible = True And tab.IsDeleted = False) And _ |
((tab.StartDate < Now And tab.EndDate > Now) Or AdminMode) And _ |
(PortalSecurity.IsInRoles(tab.AuthorizedRoles) And Not CheckToExclude(tab.TabName, tab.TabID)) Then |
Return True |
Else |
Return False |
End If |
End Function |
Private Function CheckToExclude(ByVal tabName As String, ByVal tabId As Int32) As Boolean |
If (PagesToExclude = String.Empty) Then |
Return False |
End If |
Dim temp As String() = PagesToExclude.Split(New Char() {","c}) |
If (temp.Length = 0) Then |
Return False |
End If |
Dim item As String |
For Each item In temp |
Try |
If tabId = Int32.Parse(item.Trim()) Then |
Return True |
End If |
Catch |
If tabName = item.Trim() Then |
Return True |
End If |
End Try |
Next |
Return False |
End Function |
Private Sub GetShowOnlyCurrent(ByVal objTabController As TabController, ByRef StartingItemId As Integer, ByRef iRootGroupId As Integer) |
StartingItemId = 0 |
iRootGroupId = 0 |
'check if we have a value to work with |
If (ShowOnlyCurrent = String.Empty) Then |
Exit Sub |
End If |
'check if user specified an ID |
If (Char.IsDigit(ShowOnlyCurrent.Chars(0))) Then |
Try |
StartingItemId = Integer.Parse(ShowOnlyCurrent) |
Catch ex As Exception |
End Try |
End If |
'check if user specified a page name |
If (ShowOnlyCurrent.StartsWith("PageItem:")) Then |
Dim temptab As TabInfo = objTabController.GetTabByName(ShowOnlyCurrent.Substring(("PageItem:").Length), PortalSettings.PortalId) |
If (Not temptab Is Nothing) Then |
StartingItemId = temptab.TabID |
End If |
End If |
'RootItem |
If ("RootItem" = ShowOnlyCurrent) Then |
iRootGroupId = PortalSettings.ActiveTab.TabID |
While (CType(objTabController.GetTab(iRootGroupId, PortalSettings.PortalId, True), TabInfo).ParentId <> -1) |
iRootGroupId = CType(objTabController.GetTab(iRootGroupId, PortalSettings.PortalId, True), TabInfo).ParentId |
End While |
End If |
End Sub |
Private Function CheckShowOnlyCurrent(ByVal tabId As Integer, ByVal parentId As Integer, ByVal StartingItemId As Integer, ByVal iRootGroupId As Integer) As Boolean |
If _ |
(String.Empty = ShowOnlyCurrent AndAlso parentId = -1) OrElse _ |
("ChildItems" = ShowOnlyCurrent AndAlso parentId = PortalSettings.ActiveTab.TabID) OrElse _ |
("CurrentItem" = ShowOnlyCurrent AndAlso tabId = PortalSettings.ActiveTab.TabID) OrElse _ |
("RootItem" = ShowOnlyCurrent AndAlso iRootGroupId = parentId) OrElse _ |
(StartingItemId > 0 AndAlso parentId = StartingItemId) _ |
Then |
Return True |
Else |
Return False |
End If |
End Function |
Private Function CheckMenuVisibility(ByVal tab As TabInfo) As Boolean |
If (Not EnableAdminMenus AndAlso (tab.IsAdminTab Or tab.IsSuperTab)) Then |
Return False |
End If |
If (Not EnableUserMenus AndAlso Not (tab.IsAdminTab Or tab.IsSuperTab)) Then |
Return False |
End If |
Return True |
End Function |
Private Sub FillShowPathArray(ByRef arrayShowPath As ArrayList, ByVal selectedTabID As Integer, ByVal objTabController As TabController) |
Dim tempTab As TabInfo = objTabController.GetTab(selectedTabID, PortalSettings.PortalId, True) |
While (tempTab.ParentId <> -1) |
arrayShowPath.Add(tempTab.TabID) |
tempTab = objTabController.GetTab(tempTab.ParentId, PortalSettings.PortalId, True) |
End While |
arrayShowPath.Add(tempTab.TabID) |
End Sub |
Private Sub CheckShowPath(ByVal tabId As Integer, ByVal tabName As String, ByRef tab As RadTab) |
If (arrayShowPath.Contains(tabId)) Then |
tab.Selected = True |
tab.SelectParents() |
End If |
End Sub |
Private Sub SetTabStripProperties() |
If (Style <> String.Empty) Then |
Style += "; " |
Try |
For Each cStyle As String In Style.Split(";"c) |
If (cStyle.Trim.Length > 0) Then |
TS.Style.Add(cStyle.Split(":"c)(0), cStyle.Split(":"c)(1)) |
End If |
Next |
Catch |
End Try |
End If |
End Sub |
Private Sub SetTabProperties(ByRef TSTab As RadTab) |
If (Me.TabChildGroupCssClass.Length > 0) Then |
TSTab.ChildGroupCssClass = Me.TabChildGroupCssClass |
End If |
If (Me.TabCssClass.Length > 0) Then |
TSTab.CssClass = Me.TabCssClass |
End If |
If (Me.TabDisabledCssClass.Length > 0) Then |
TSTab.DisabledCssClass = Me.TabDisabledCssClass |
End If |
If (Not Me.Height.IsEmpty) Then |
TSTab.Height = Me.TabHeight |
End If |
If (Me.TabSelectedCssClass.Length > 0) Then |
TSTab.SelectedCssClass = Me.TabSelectedCssClass |
End If |
If (Not Me.TabWidth.IsEmpty) Then |
TSTab.Width = Me.TabWidth |
End If |
End Sub |
Private Sub BuildTabStrip() |
While Not (PagesQueue.Count = 0) |
Dim pageID As Integer = CInt(PagesQueue.Dequeue()) |
Dim currentElement As qElement = CType(AuthPages(pageID), qElement) |
Dim page As TabInfo = currentElement.page |
'add Tab properties |
SetTabProperties(currentElement.TSTab) |
CheckShowPath(page.TabID, page.TabName, currentElement.TSTab) |
If ((ItemsPerRow > 0) AndAlso (currentElement.item Mod ItemsPerRow = 0)) Then |
currentElement.TSTab.IsBreak = True |
End If |
If (Not page.DisableLink) Then |
If (page.FullUrl.StartsWith("*") And page.FullUrl.IndexOf("*", 1) <> -1) Then |
currentElement.TSTab.NavigateUrl = page.FullUrl.Substring(page.FullUrl.IndexOf("*", 1) + 1) |
currentElement.TSTab.Target = page.FullUrl.Substring(1, page.FullUrl.IndexOf("*", 1) - 1) |
Else |
currentElement.TSTab.NavigateUrl = page.FullUrl |
End If |
ElseIf (CopyChildItemLink AndAlso page.Level >= MaxLevel) Then |
Dim j As Integer = 0 |
'check if there are any child items and use a href from the first one |
While (j < AuthPages.Count AndAlso _ |
(CType(AuthPages(j), qElement).page.ParentId <> page.TabID OrElse _ |
CType(AuthPages(j), qElement).page.DisableLink)) |
j = j + 1 |
End While |
If (j < AuthPages.Count) Then |
' child item found. use its link |
currentElement.TSTab.NavigateUrl = CType(AuthPages(j), qElement).page.FullUrl |
End If |
End If |
If ((EnableToolTips) AndAlso (page.Description <> String.Empty)) Then |
currentElement.TSTab.ToolTip = page.Description |
End If |
If (Me.TabImageUrl.Length > 0) Then |
currentElement.TSTab.ImageUrl = Me.TabImageUrl.Replace("*SkinPath*", dnnSkinPath).Replace("*PageName*", page.TabName) |
End If |
If ((page.IconFile <> String.Empty) AndAlso (currentElement.TSTab.ImageUrl.Length = 0)) Then |
Dim imgaddress As String |
If (page.IsAdminTab Or page.IsSuperTab) Then |
imgaddress = CStr(IIf(Me.Request.ApplicationPath <> "/", Me.Request.ApplicationPath.ToUpper, String.Empty)) & "/images/" & page.IconFile |
Else |
imgaddress = PortalSettings.HomeDirectory & page.IconFile |
End If |
currentElement.TSTab.ImageUrl = imgaddress |
End If |
If ((Not ImagesOnlyTabStrip) OrElse (ImagesOnlyTabStrip AndAlso currentElement.TSTab.ImageUrl.Length = 0)) Then |
currentElement.TSTab.Text = page.TabName |
End If |
'attach child items the current one |
If (page.Level < MaxLevel Or MaxLevel < 0) Then |
Dim iItemIndex, j As Integer |
Dim childElement As qElement |
iItemIndex = 0 |
For j = 0 To AuthPages.Count - 1 |
childElement = CType(AuthPages(j), qElement) |
If (childElement.page.ParentId = page.TabID) Then |
currentElement.TSTab.Tabs.Add(childElement.TSTab) |
PagesQueue.Enqueue(j) |
iItemIndex = iItemIndex + 1 |
childElement.item = iItemIndex |
AuthPages(j) = childElement |
End If |
Next j |
End If |
End While |
End Sub |
End Class |
End Namespace |
Hello Jennifer,
I suggest you follow the approach provided in our Tabs Preview example.
Best wishes,
the Telerik team
Check out Telerik Trainer, the state of the art learning tool for Telerik products.
I suggest you follow the approach provided in our Tabs Preview example.
Best wishes,
the Telerik team
Check out Telerik Trainer, the state of the art learning tool for Telerik products.