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Only 13 Images Rotate in Slideshow?

1 Answer 57 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Chad Canterbury
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Chad Canterbury asked on 17 Mar 2009, 03:31 PM
I was having an issue where fade transitions did not work on the rotator when set to slideshowbuttons. Come to find out, it was because there was more than 13 images in the folder. If I add the 14th, it breaks. Anyone know how to correct this or bypass it?

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Telerik team
answered on 18 Mar 2009, 04:36 PM
Hi Tony,

I already answered your support ticket. For convenience I paste my reply below:

I tested your project with 2008.3 1105 and 2009.1 311 versions of the controls. I used less than 13 images and more than 13 images in my tests, but as I said in my previous reply I was not able to reproduce the problem.

In general when you use the older version of the controls you could reproduce a problem similar to the one that you explain by following the steps bellow :
  • click on one of the buttons
  • click on the button again, before the fade effect is finished
  • you can see that the fade effect does not start from the beginning with the new image, but you still have the previous "fade".
In some cases you can click a buttons at the moment when the fade effect is just about stopping. Then the new image is shown, and you do not see the fade effect.

Is this the same problem? If the problem is different, could you please provide more information about the issue and reproduction steps? Once I am able to reproduce the problem, I will be able to provide a working solution. If the probem that I described above is the same, it is fixed in the newest version of the control.

Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team

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Chad Canterbury
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Telerik team
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