I have a HTML Bar Chart on a webpage.
It implements a OnClientSeriesClicked event:
function OnClientSeriesClicked(sender, args)
radopen("/pagesModules/ComplienceChartDetail.aspx?Category=" + args.get_category(), "RadWindow1");
This opens a RadWindow which displays another HTML bar chart.
This works fine.
However... the Bar Chart on the RadWindow also implements a OnClientSeriesClicked event.
This one does not fire.
Is this allowed?
It implements a OnClientSeriesClicked event:
function OnClientSeriesClicked(sender, args)
radopen("/pagesModules/ComplienceChartDetail.aspx?Category=" + args.get_category(), "RadWindow1");
This opens a RadWindow which displays another HTML bar chart.
This works fine.
However... the Bar Chart on the RadWindow also implements a OnClientSeriesClicked event.
This one does not fire.
Is this allowed?