I have a rad grid where grouping is being used. The first column is a linkbutton which after 1 layer of being clicked into is then replaced with text to both disable and remove the link.
When I collapse and then re-expand the group the column values are now all gone.
Prior to collapsing my markup looks like
<td class="GrdBtn">
<span style="cursor:default;">Sept 2016</span>
After clicking the collapse and then expanding the markup is
<td class="GrdBtn">
<a href="javascript:__doPostBack('ReportGrid$ctl00$ctl05$ctl00','')"></a>
I cannot identify an event to which this occurs. The column is defined in the apsx as
<telerik:GridButtonColumn ButtonType="LinkButton" ImageUrl="" HeaderText="Region" DataTextField="RegionName" ItemStyle-CssClass="GrdBtn" CommandName="Select" UniqueName="btnSelect" SortExpression="RegionName" HeaderStyle-Width="150px" />
The event to which changes the linkbutton to a span is within the RadGrid_DataBound event and looks like
btn = CType(CType(Page.Form.FindControl("ReportGrid"), RadGrid).MasterTableView.Items(i).Cells(3).Controls(0), LinkButton)
CType(Page.Form.FindControl("ReportGrid"), RadGrid).MasterTableView.Items(i).Cells(3).Controls.Remove(btn)
Dim finalTxt As String = String.Format("<span style='cursor:default;'>{0}</span> ", btn.Text)
Dim litControl As New LiteralControl(finalTxt)
What event could be causing this? Or how can i prevent this behavior from happening?