Hi All,
I am using the latest version of ASP.NET AJAX controls and have encountered an error when trying to display a confirmation box.
The title bar of the confirm box is set to 'null'
The script i use is:
<script type = ""> |
//Replace old radconfirm with a changed version. |
var oldConfirm = radconfirm; |
window.radconfirm = function(text, mozEvent) |
{ |
var ev = mozEvent ? mozEvent : window.event; //Moz support requires passing the event argument manually |
//Cancel the event |
ev.cancelBubble = true; |
ev.returnValue = false; |
if (ev.stopPropagation) ev.stopPropagation(); |
if (ev.preventDefault) ev.preventDefault(); |
//Determine who is the caller |
var callerObj = ev.srcElement ? ev.srcElement : ev.target; |
//Call the original radconfirm and pass it all necessary parameters |
if (callerObj) |
{ |
//Show the confirm, then when it is closing, if returned value was true, automatically call the caller's click method again. |
var callBackFn = function (arg) |
{ |
if (arg) |
{ |
callerObj["onclick"] = ""; |
if (callerObj.click) callerObj.click(); //Works fine every time in IE, but does not work for links in Moz |
else if (callerObj.tagName == "A") //We assume it is a link button! |
{ |
try |
{ |
eval(callerObj.href) |
} |
catch(e){} |
} |
} |
} |
oldConfirm(text, callBackFn, 300, 100, null, null); |
} |
return false; |
} |
</script> |
Along with this behind the button in the ASPX page
asp:Button ID="btnUpdate" runat="server" Text="Create" Font-Names="Verdana" Font-Size="9pt" onclientclick="radconfirm('Are you sure?', event, 330, 100); " />
I have tried numerous ways to change the title from 'null' but can not get my head around it.
Many Thanks