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Not limit modal radwindow to size of parent window

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Laura asked on 05 Dec 2008, 05:23 AM
It appears that whenever I create a modal radwindow that the size and boundaries of that window are limited to the size of the parent window. Is there a property to set this to off?


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Svetlina Anati
Telerik team
answered on 05 Dec 2008, 01:41 PM
Hi Laura,

I am not quite sure about your exact setup but as far as I understood, you are opening a modal RadWindow from within another RadWindow. If so, please note that in order to have the modal RadWindow in the context of the main page, you should open it from there by first referencing it from the first RadWindow. For your convenience I attached a sample demo. In case I have not understand you correctly or you need further assistance, please modify the demo in order to reproduce the problem, open a new support ticket and send it to me along with detailed reproduction instructions and explanations of the desired result. 

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answered on 05 Dec 2008, 01:49 PM
Actually instead of saying parent window, I should have said browser window. I have a situation where the browser window is not maximized, and I have a radgrid in the browser window. I created my own insert/edit for records in the radgrid using a radwindow modal popup. If I make the modal window taller than the non-maximized browser, the top of the modal window gets clipped and it is unreachable. The only way I could fix this is to make the size of the modal window smaller. I would like the window to be able to be outside the contraints of the browser. Is this possible?

I have a screenshot, but I don't see how I can updoad a file the the post.
Telerik team
answered on 08 Dec 2008, 08:03 AM
Hello Laura,

No HTML element (and after all RadWindow is made of HTML elements) can go beyond/outside of the browser window. Hence, it is not possible to achieve such a behavior with RadWindow.

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answered on 18 Dec 2008, 09:44 PM
Actually its completely possible.   The radwindow html can get "lost" off the top of the browser window..  To reproduce this behavior, just open a rad window with set_modal set and make the size nice and big, like 1000,700 and have your browser set to window mode instead of maximized.. if the menu bars of the browser are below where the "modal" radwindow header falls, it's completely inaccessible and can't be restored even if you maximize the browser.    This is an obvious bug with the "set_modal" functionality, and probably can be caused without it as well.  here's the code i'm using to open the radwindow.. 


function ShowEdit(dealConfirmID) {



var userID = document.getElementById("Userid").value;



var editScreen = "webpage.aspx"



var oWnd = radopen(editScreen);


oWnd.setSize(1000, 700);






return false;



would love to see a fix for this, as we use several modal radwindows in our app. 

Georgi Tunev
Telerik team
answered on 19 Dec 2008, 11:13 AM
Hi Daniel,

We are talking about different cases here - what Laura was looking for was a way to display RadWindow outside of the browser, while in your case you need a way to always display the toolbar of the RadWindow regardless of its size. For this you need to set the KeepInScreenBounds property to true - it ensures that every window will have its toolbar visible on the page when it is initially opened.

Georgi Tunev
the Telerik team

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Svetlina Anati
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Georgi Tunev
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