I've been an on/off web developer for 15 years so don't class myself as an expert. I've used NetAdvantage in the past (and suffered!) but now I'm running my own business, I've looked at lots of 3rd party controls and Telerik scores highly so here I am starting, almost, from scratch.
I'm quite aware of the zillions of browser compatibility problems with different browsers, CSS etc etc.
The new application I'm writing is bespoke and will only be used in a specific industry and therefore it is possible to require that they use a modern browser and build using the latest cleaner HTML and CSS. This will hopefully reduce the number of weird layout issues that plague web applications.
In order to "get this right" this time, I've been doing a lot of reading up on CSS layouts so I really do understand this key aspect to web application design. This has brought me to this CSS stylesheet:
The idea is to get the browser into a much more consistent known state.
Is this going to cause any problems with UI for ASP.NET?
Kind of associated with that question is that will switching to box-sizing: border across all tags using * { box-sizing: border } cause layout problems in Telerik if it's assuming the normal width/height sizing model?
So may questions! It's a big mountain that I'm staring up ;-)
Cheers, Rob.