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No dataformatstring for GridDropDownColumn?

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Josh asked on 05 Nov 2010, 11:14 PM
Can someone please confirm that the GridDropDownColumn doesnt have a dataformatstring property.  If it doesnt, can one be implemented without messing up the grid editing/inserting?  If it matters, I am trying to use "<div class="xxxxxx">{0}</div>".

Additionally, I have temporarily created a TemplateColumn with a radcombobox.  When using the radgrid automatic updates, everything updates correctly except for the combobox values which dont appear to do anything.  When in edit mode, the combobox displays as it should with the correct selectedvalue.  Should I be using a controlparameter with my sqldatasource, because a regular parameter is having no effect?

Thanks for any help with my problems above.

Joshua Zimmerman

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answered on 10 Nov 2010, 02:15 PM
Hi Josh,

I do confirm that the GridDropDownColumn does not support such a property. However, you can change the way drop-down column data is displayed by attaching an event handler to the ItemDataBound event and modifying the content of the table cell to be rendered:

protected void RadGrid1_ItemDataBound(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.Item is GridDataItem)
        ((GridDataItem)e.Item)["DropDownColumnUniqueName"].Text = String.Format("Columns content: {0}", ((GridDataItem)e.Item)["DropDownColumnUniqueName"].Text);

In case, you are using a template column with a RadComboBox you should set a binding expression for the SelectedValue property of the combo in your mark-up. Do note that the SelectedValue property is hidden from Visual Studio's intellisense, however, it nonetheless is fully functional and essential for applying two way data-binding for the combo: SelectedValue='<%#Bind("DropDownColumnDataField")'%>.

Hope it helps.

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